3 Tips on How to Make Your Business Stand Out and Sell

Sadra, CEO of Butlr

Sadra, CEO of Butlr

Even before you launch your business, it’s essential to create brand awareness. Nobody wants to open their store--online or otherwise--to the sound of crickets (or worse: zero notifications).

If you want to start your business on the right path and get your customers to notice you, then consider these three tips:

Tip #1: Know your audience

You’ll have a higher chance of making a sale if you reach the people who will definitely benefit from your product. For example: if you’re a wedding planner, it’s best to target women aged 25 and up who just got engaged. And depending on your fee, you might also want to narrow that down to those who have disposable income.

When determining who your target customers are, think of their gender, age, economic bracket, educational level, and interests. It’s also best to look into what problems they may have that your product or service can solve.

Lastly, find out where they can learn about you: what websites do they visit? Do they frequently use their emails? Or do they still read the newspaper? You may also want to research what social media platforms they use.

Doureine, Life Coach and Property Developer

Doureine, Life Coach and Property Developer

Tip #2: Build a social media following.

Speaking of social media, being active in one is perhaps the most important brand awareness strategy especially prior to launching. If you’re not on one, even if you promote your business on other platforms like the newspaper or even on TV, your desired customers might not buy from you.

Think about it: when you hear about a company that you’ve never heard of but are selling a product that you’ve been looking for, what’s the first thing you do? You look them up online. And if they don’t have a website or even a social media page, you’ll most likely think it’s a scam.

In order to get more followers on social media, you need to post regularly and consistently. Depending on the platform, you can publish two posts every week, or if you’re on Twitter, as many as several posts per day.

Also, make time to reply to your followers’ comments and messages. If they see you engaging with them, they are more likely to relate to you and eventually buy from you.

Lesley of Lesley Walter Cake Design

Lesley of Lesley Walter Cake Design

Tip #3: Use high-quality photos

So now you know your ideal customer and have joined a social media platform or two where you will promote your business. If you want to increase your chances of getting your audience’s attention, then you need to invest in high-quality photos.

Fun fact, you only have 2-3 seconds to capture someone’s attention online. And the best way to do that is through a great photo that is not only eye-catching but also sends the message you intend to share.

High-quality photos also further your business’s credibility. After all, how will other people appreciate the beauty of your products if the only way they can see them is through your pixelated or poorly-lit photos?

If you’re not a professional photographer, don’t panic. You can find a great brand photographer who can make your vision come to life and portray your business in a beautiful light.

It’s time to generate some buzz!

We hope these tips help you create some awareness of your product and make sales. And when in doubt, go back to what you know about your ideal customer and try to imagine what they want to see from you. Good luck with your business!

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